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Can we apply gamification techniques to a fitness app to increase user engagement, making it more fun to workout in the process? I gave it a go.

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This December there was another edition of Advent of Code. This time I decided I would take it seriously and do all the challenges. Here are my notes on the experience.

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In this post I talk about the first implementation of the enemy AI that I’ve made for Reich, a turn-based tactics game.

Hi, welcome! So, I finally got around setting this homepage up. It’s been a while since I had one of these.

I’ll be using this page mostly to showcase little personal projects I made throughout the years and talk about their origins and development. Maybe write the occasional blog post too.

I ended up going the jamstack way and chose nanoc to statically generate this page. Gitlab is also kind enough to host this page.

Thanks for checking this and feel free to explore and get in touch with me.